The Company

Pigeon Vitality AS

The company Pigeon Vitality was founded in 2001 by Dr. Frode Brakstad.

In the picture to the right Frode emphasizes his motto; ”Advantages through Research” (in Norwegian: “Fortrinn gjennom forskning”).  In the 90s Frode worked as R&D manager in Norsk Hydro R&D Centre, which included the Animal Nutrition group. Being a dedicated fancier, Frode noticed that some of the natural organic acids they worked with in Norsk Hydro had a remarkable effect on his pigeon’s zest for flying. Thus he saw a new business opportunity for combining his professional interest in nutritional feed additives and his racing pigeon hobby since he was 12 years old – and the company Pigeon Vitality was founded in year 2000.

By some experiments he formulated, and patent protected the product Improver, still a world-wide best seller in the Pigeon sport. Improver acts as a “green antibiotics,” i.e., inhibit and kill the pathogenic bacteria while it at the same time stimulates the good lactic acid bacteria. To our knowledge Improver, and later our TriColi STOP, are still the only pigeon products in the market that held a word-wide patent.  Since the launch of Improver, the other natural pigeon products such as AntiFungal, Oxy-B, Belgamax, MultiViTra,TriColi STOP, Clearify, AdenoS, Liver Clean, Rebuild and more were developed one by one to fulfill the whole need of feed additives for racing pigeons.

More and more fanciers world-wide are using the schedule of Pigeon Vitality products, both because of its simplicity and because of the remarkable effect on pigeon’s performance. Our headquarter are in still in Porsgrunn, a small city south-east in Norway. In addition to having many partners all across the globe for the racing pigeon, the management team of Pigeon Vitality is all dedicated fancier (see description under management team). This makes it easy for us to test and judge innovations and products before they eventually are launched into the market. We also decided very early, to make the best effort to provide the best racing pigeon products on the market, to cooperate with the best pigeon fanciers all across the world to test our products and their effect on their youngsters and old pigeons. Their feedback has been very important for the product development since our startup.

Our primary strategy has always been to support our domestic resellers, and we are at present available on all continents. An additional online webshop has then been made to reach all pigeon fanciers in any country who wants better results and better health for their racing pigeons. Our Facebook site (facebook/pigeonvitality) has also become a favorite source for information and advises on pigeon nutritional and health matter for many fanciers.

With many reported victories in international, national, semi-national, provincial and club races worldwide by our customers (see reference page) from the year 2000 until today, we believe that our company and the Pigeon Vitality natural Products make a difference in the racing pigeons sport.